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Security, Scalability, and Cloud Streaming Workflows

Learn more about security and scalability at 流媒体东部 2022.

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蒂姆Siglin: 人们提出的一个大问题是,他们倾向于认为,如果他们严格地在内部部署或在防火墙后面进行操作,云计算就没有那么安全. You have the opinion, though, that a hybrid model makes sense. And tell me where security fits in those hybrid models.

狐狸T. 詹金斯: I think the industry as a whole has gotten used to the hybrid model. 它是一种通道,一种连接你今天正在做的事情和你明天想做的事情的方式. 很多人的问题是,他们习惯了身边有东西. They're used to having control over everything within their environment. And to be totally honest with you, 如果你在你的组织中有一个SOC 2实例,你已经在许多防火墙后面建立了. You have all of your security in place. 你们要看一下CSAP和其他一些关于如何建立它的建议. 你可能有一个最安全的地方存放你的内容. But if you want to have scalability with the ability to do it very quickly, and then you take the cost out of the equation right now, but if you want something that you're gonna do to be able to spin up quickly, 快速向下旋转, 创建一个频道, do all these types of things that we would like to do within this space, you need to look at the cloud.

I believe in bridging your private cloud with your public cloud. I think that is the direction that we'll get people to jump on board a lot faster. So that's what I believe is going to take you there, but you have to get comfortable with the fact that there is a just a buttload of, 的安全. That is a part of the major cloud instances and the major SaaS providers, that's one of the things that they provide. 第二件你必须认真考虑的事情是当你邀请他们来你家的时候, 你需要确保你审查它们的方式和你审查内部构建的东西的方式是一样的.

如果你这么做了, then I think there's gonna be more of a comfort level from the security standpoint. 但是市场上有很多关于如何保证内容安全的好建议. The MovieLabs CSAP that they just released a few weeks ago--and, 充分披露, I am on the board of MovieLabs, but I'm not just saying that because I'm on the board, it's a wonderful document. 这是一本很好的指南. So if you haven't had a chance to read it, take a look at it. I think it'll help a lot of these organizations as they continue their maturation.

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